New FAO Guidelines for Sustainable Aquaculture fail to sufficiently address animal welfare

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) recently released Guidelines for Sustainable Aquaculture in response to the rapid expansion of the industry. Aquaculture is the fastest-growing food production sector in the world, and its growth is driven by protein demand, scientific progress, technological innovations and investment.

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Sustainable Aquaculture in Zanzibar: A Blueprint for Ethical and Resilient Growth

Ethical Seafood Research is committed to supporting responsible aquaculture through evidence-based policy development, industry partnerships and rigorous scientific inquiry. Our involvement in the Zanzibar aquaculture strategy underscores our belief that ethical aquaculture is not just an environmental imperative, but a pathway to socioeconomic transformation in coastal communities.

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Our Founder, Wasseem Emam, speaks to the Our Seas Coastal Testimonies project

My forefathers are from the Egyptian Nile Delta, an area that would have been a total desert had it not been for the River Nile. Thanks to abundant freshwater resources coming from the subtropical parts of Africa, a thriving civilisation has flourished in this area for thousands of years. The Nile flows through the entire country running from south to north before spilling into the Mediterranean Sea. My Middle Eastern heritage means that I have always understood water scarcity and have therefore deeply appreciated the importance of water resources.

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Shaping Zanzibar’s Blue Economy: A Collaborative Approach to Aquaculture Development

Zanzibar, a picturesque archipelago in the Western Indian Ocean, is keen to become a leader in the Blue Economy. In line with this vision, and under the aquaculture pillar of the Blue Economy framework, Ethical Seafood Research was retained by the Ministry of Blue Economy and Fisheries to develop a sustainable and ethical aquaculture strategy in close consultation with local stakeholders.

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استكشاف موارد مصر السمكية مع شريكنا، ‏FAI Farms‏

لقد عاد فريقنا مؤخرًا من مصر، حيث انضم إلينا موريلو كوينتيلانو وسارة بارينتو من FAI في زيارة لمدة أسبوعين إلى مرافق ومواقع الاستزراع السمكي الرئيسية في دلتا النيل المصرية. وكانت الزيارة بمثابة الإطلاق الرسمي لمشروعنا المشترك لتوفير أدوات رعاية ورفاهية البلطي لمزارعي الأسماك المصريين.

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